WeRise Africa



80100 Mombasa

+254717942226 werise@weriseafrica.or.ke ; weriseafrica@outlook.com https://weriseafrica.or.ke/


Center for Voldsforebyggelse

WeRise Africa was founded by young people in Mombasa, Kenya, in 2020 during the height of the covid 19-pandemic. The goal was to provide a safe space for other young people from Mombasa County to discuss and advocate for issues affecting the youth including mental health and wellbeing. As a result, WeRise Africa initiated a series of football activities for both women and men during the post pandemic period that resulted in over 1500 youths and communities reached directly and sensitized issues relating to mental health and wellbeing caused by the pandemic. WeRise Africa has expanded its scope of work and its current program areas, including: - Peace and security - Prevention of gender-based violence and sexual reproductive and health rights - Education - Climate change - Youth and leadership Our mission is to inspire communities to harness their power to achieve sustainable development. Our vision is an equitable world where men and women can enjoy their rights. Our program activities include awareness raising, lobbying and advocacy, capacity building and sensitization of the communities we serve.