Opportunity Training Center - SL


Clerks Quarter Road, Off Maxwell Khobe Street


+23276650419 otcsalone@gmail.com


Ingeniører uden Grænser (IUG)


Inclusive Futures: Bridging Employment and Education for youth living with different abilities in Kenema, Sierra Leone

The Opportunity Training Center – Sierra Leone (OTC-SL) was founded by a group of polio survivors headed by Mr. Ekundayor Scotland in 1994. It started as a training Center for Polio Survivors within the Kenema District with the purpose of supporting other polio survivors to move away from begging for alms to learning livelihood skills to earn income for their survival in a dignified manner. Over the years as the organization evolved, it became evident that the organization should transition from merely operating as a skills training Center to an advocacy and empowerment organization. To that end, it has also shifted its focus from only targeting polio survivors to including all other types of physical disabilities. OTC-SL being a Disabled Persons Organization (DPO), is registered with the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs (MSWGCA), Kenema District Council (KDC). It has established and nurtured close working relationships with the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) and other relevant national and international disability focus organizations within and out-side Kenema district. The organization’s operations can be broadly classified into two major thematic areas which are: advocacy for an inclusive society and empowerment of PwDs to live a dignified life thereby contributing to nation building. To that end its Training workshops has received accreditation and approval from the then Ministry of Education Science and Technology - MEST (now Ministry of Technical and Higher Education - MTHE) to be operating as a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Center to undertake skills training in order to improve the country’s middle level manpower sector. An opportunity for every citizen to acquire the requisite skills to attract employment or become self-employed. Certificates issued are also recognized by employers in both the Public and Private sectors. Furthermore, the teaching staff work on a voluntary basis.