European Movement International


Place du Luxembourg 2

1050 Brussels

+32 2 508 30 88


Political Festival of Europe

The origins of the European Movement date back to July 1947, at a time when the cause of a United Europe was being championed by notables such as Winston Churchill and Duncan Sandys in the form of the Anglo-French United European Movement. The UEM acted as a platform for the co-ordination of organisations created in the wake of WWII. As a result of their efforts, the congress of The Committee for the Co-ordination of the European Movements took place in Paris on 17th July 1947 incorporating “La Ligue Européenne de Coopération Economique” (LECE), “l’Union européenne des Fédéralistes” (UEF), “l’Union parlementaire européenne” (UPE) and the Anglo-French United European Movements. They met again on the 10th November 1947 and changed their name to The Joint International Committee for European Unity. They retained this name until after the 1948 Congress of The Hague. From 7 to 11th May 1948, 800 delegates from around Europe as well as observers from Canada and the United States gathered in The Hague, The Netherlands for the Congress of Europe. Organised by the International Committee of the Movements for European Unity and presided over by Winston Churchill, the Congress brought together representatives from across a broad political spectrum, providing them with the opportunity to discuss ideas about the development of European Union. Important political figures such as Konrad Adenauer, Winston Churchill, Harold Macmillan, François Mitterrand, Paul-Henry Spaak, Albert Coppé and Altiero Spinelli took an active role in the congress and a call was launched for a political, economic and monetary Union of Europe. This landmark conference was to have a profound influence on the shape of the European Movement, which was created soon afterwards. The European Movement was formally created on the 25th October 1948, when the Joint International Committee for European Unity decided to change its name. Duncan Sandys was elected President and Léon Blum, Winston Churchill, Alcide De G