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Public Accountability Through Advocacy ­(PATA) is a youth organization which started in 2015 as an association. PATA is formed as a result of the communities in the Northern Region of Ghana and Kumbungu District in particular finding it difficult getting information from duty bearers ie Heads of public institutions as well as appointed and elected members of government. PATA is now duly registered in 2021 as a youth organization, is commuted to addressing this challenge with the collaboration of both internal and external partners. MISSION: Working with communities to hold duty bearers accountable in influencing development. VISSION:: An enlightened and developed community. CORE VALUES: 1. Accountability 2. Fairness 3. Transparency 4. Non partisan and non religious 5. Volunteerism 6. Justice PROBLEM ANALYSIS. The Kumbungu Dstrict, which was created in 2012, has 117 communities. These communities face developmental challenges which is attributed to the communities inability to access vital information from duty bearers ie assembly members , Heads of civil and public institutions and elected and appointed personel. PATA therefore seeks to bring this category of people closer to the communities , to address the information gap between the duty bearers and the communities through the following channels ; 1. Community durbars 2. Symposia 3. Community rallies 4. Radio programs . These activities seeks to bring this targeted people; The District Education Directorate, The District Agric Directorate, The District Health Directorate, The District Assembly, The members of Parliament and other relevant institutions, including the security services and the legal service. With the collaboration of both internal and external partners , PATA would work to achieve this dream. The office is located at Dalun Youth house.