Holistic Action for Development and Empowerment (HADE)


Luzira Portbell

Pob 670043 Kampala

256777408437 hadeug@gmail.com https://hadeug.org/



Holistic Action for Development and Empowerment (HADE) is a youth-focused organisation based in Kampala, with operational activities in the West Nile region, specifically in Yumbe, Uganda. HADE aims to empower youth by promoting self-reliant communities that recognise and prioritise their contributions to sustainable development. Their experience encompasses various issues confronting the youth in Uganda, particularly in Yumbe district, including unemployment, limited education, poor health, teenage pregnancy, violence, and exclusion from decision-making processes. The vision is to establish self-reliant communities that provide safe spaces for young individuals. The mission focusses on empowering young people as essential contributors to these self-reliant communities. The organisation demonstrates a strong history of collaboration with both local and international development entities, indicating its ability to fulfil CISU's financial and programmatic standard