Soiya Women Self-Reliant Organization


Singaha, Devdaha 4, Rupandi, Zone 5




Skoleliv i Nepal


Advocacy, land rights and livelihood for landless women in Devdaha Elevrådsdemokrati og aktivt medborgerskab i Danmark og Nepal Sustainable Networks and Advocacy for Quality Education Sustainable Networks and Advocacy for Quality Education

The organisation was founded by 20 women from the Musahar cast (dalit) and a local school teacher. The women were mostly parents in the local public school. Together with Skoleliv i Nepal (SIN) the women and the teacher started a school feeding programme in the local school. Soon after one more school was added. In 2013 the women officially registred as an organisation and applied for a capacity building intervention with SIN. The women named their organisation Soiya Mahila Swabalambi Sanstha (Soiya's independent women's organization). Soiya Women’s Independent Organization works for sustainable livelihoods with a focus on women and children. We have two overall fields of work: Primary Education and Empowerment of Women. In both areas we focus on health, organic farming and mobilising civil society for positive social change. Upto 2022 the organisation has grown to 500 members. It also has 4 teenage groups for girls. The board members come from the 20 groups. 80% of the members are dalit.