
Jirón Caracas 2624,

15076 Jesús María, Lima

(511) 4638515


RAW - Rights for All Women


Title of the intervention: International partnership for co-creation against GBV

DEMUS has worked more than 35 years in Peru defending the rights of women, being the political influence for the approval of public policies with a gender focus. In Peru today, there is unequal access to justice; GBV is increasing, and indigenous peoples are discriminated. DEMUS contributes to the recognition of the rights of defenders of bodies and territories, as well as the multiplication of young feminist groups, the arrival of feminist discourse to indigenous women, the approach of the LGBTIQ+ community to feminism, among others. DEMUS is a promoter of meeting spaces for local, national, and international collective political action. It has had an active and purposeful presence in the formulation, implementation, and monitoring of public policies against violence in alliance with women's and feminist organizations and groups and has influenced the strengthening of the justice system with a gender focus. Through its’ political advocacy work and emblematic litigation, DEMUS managed to position in Peru some key legal issues of the feminist agenda that contribute to the expansion of rights.