Rising Hope Community Initiative (RIHOCI)


Ntugamo –Kayonza plot 420364

2930 Ntugamo

+256782166266 Tumusiimegertrude2017@gmail.com


Civil Connections Community Foundation (CCCF)


Youth Inspiring Youth 4 collective Advocacy and Action in the Ntungamo district in Uganda

Rising Hope Community Initiative (RIHOCI) is a Community Based Organization established in the Kayonza sub county in the Ntugamo district. Founded to organize youth and women groups to engage in community development work using Community Groups approaches where community members self-organize to provide local solutions such as clearing community roads and maintaining water points to demonstrate how local government can use less resources to address local issues by partnering with community groups instead of spending more resources hiring external service providers. RIHOCI is led by a community coordinator as the head of the organization, an Accounts Assistant and two Volunteers.