Fair Trees Fund


Tbilisi, Vake district, Ilia Chavchavadze avenue, №7.

0162 Tbilisi

0049 15737971507 teona@fairtreesfund.dk http://fairtreesfund.com


Fair Trade Danmark

Why Georgia? 95% of all seed to the WE Christmas Trees industry are sourced from Georgia under primitive conditions. Annual No. counts for 45 million Christmas Trees. Fair Trees Fund (FTF) is a proactive organisation dedicated to advancing sustainable livehoods. Our mission is to secure better working conditions, fair wages and improved healthcare, education, and infrastructure for workers, their families and the community.Through various social investment programmes, i.e. our own dental clinic offering free dental care, awarding university scholarships, partnering with clinics to offer free screenings. We set out clear goals for all our activities, for instance we are determined to offer free dental care to every child in the region. We believe in a participatory, gender-balanced approach to decision-making and management, and we collaborate with local stakeholders to ensure due diligence and traceability for our investments and. We collaborate with foreign benefactors whose goals and values align with ours, as their local partner in the region, to help make their social investments and efforts have maximum impact. By working with MSMEs in Georgia and other partners, we aim to improve the value chain for sustainable production of forest products, including Christmas trees. This will be achieved through the development of safety standards, which we will work towards a wide adaptation of in the industry. Our goal is to create positive social and environmental impacts that benefit workers, communities, and the planet by realizing our vision of a world where forest products are sustainable managed and their responsible use benefits communities. We support Georgia’s contributions and obligations to achieve the United Nations’ SDG, particularly SDG 12: responsible production and consumption. Our activities comply with ILO and Fair-Trade principles, as well as sustainable natural resource management. More info on activities and numbers: https://shorturl.at/cEIX6