
PO Box TL 1776

NA Kumbungu

+233 249142059 wunizooyagh@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/wudep/



WUDEP is a local non-profit, non-governmental organization which was initiated by the then nine (9) year working volunteer (Ziblim Yakubu) at Ghanaian Danish Community Programme, at the community radio station Simli Radio. WUDEP is a professional local organization committed to the social development of Kumbungu, Tolon, Mion, Sagnarigu, Savelugu, Karaga districts and other parts in the northern region of Ghana. The vision of WUDEP is to transform marginalized girls and boys into responsible and productive adults, reintegrated into their families and communities contributing significantly towards nation building. MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Youth practical vocational skills training (SDG8) 6 vocational training centres in 5 districts of the northern region. Under the skills training, we also have sessions on literacy and numeracy education, business management and entrepreneurial skills and health & counselling sessions. - Child Protection Project (SDG4) 25 established child protection committees in each community, each of this to see to that children gets a strong beginning of education and that their welfare is guaranteed. - Women and farmers empowerment project (SDG5+8) WUDEP has trained fifteen (15) women groups and ten (10) farmer groups and connects them to stakeholders in the area for loans and equipment to facilitate their work. - Reproductive health and family life education (SDG3) Focus on environmental and personal hygiene and gender equality. Includes sexual transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, responsible parenthood, family life education, child marriage and pregnancy, drug abuse among the youth, adolescent reproductive health, my right/my choice all included. - Advocacy on climate change (SDG13) Capacity building of groups on gender equality. In the communities, women are denied farmlands to cultivate vegetables and other economic crops. We run radio programmes and community sensitization. - Advocacy on COVID-19 Education (SDG3)