The Democracy in Europe Organisation


Studiestræde 24,

1455 København

70 26 36 66


Political Festival of Europe

DEO is a Danish liberal adult education organisation working for democracy in Europe. We are independent of political parties and EU bodies. We have no political agenda but aim to raise political questions, address problems, and discuss European issues in our debates. We strive to engage the public in EU-matters and aim to create the framework for a rich democratic debate. Projects & activities PUBLIC MEETINGS. Each year we organise more than 60 public events ranging from debate meetings, seminars and conferences to panel debates. EDUCATION. Since 2009 we have been working with teacher training, development of learning materials and activities with students and pupils. We do more than 40 school events per year. STUDY TRIPS. Belgium/Bruxelles, France/Strasbourg, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. These are some of our main destinations on our 6-10 political road trips each year. You can find more information about DEO travels here. BOOKS. Every three months we publish a booklet on a problem or issue within the framework of EU, democracy and Europe. About 3,000 people subscribe to the books as members of DEO. DEMOCRACY DEPECHE. Every year on the 5th of June (Constitution Day) the Ebbe Kløvedal Reich Democracy Depeche is passed on to a new leading intellectual or public person, who is then obliged to promote democracy for the next year.