Centro de Comunicatión Cultural Chasqui (CHASQUI)
Kontakt: |
Calle 15, N° 658, Zona Estrellas de Belén. -- El Alto, La Paz 591- 2 -2883889 cccchasqui_1@hotmail.com https://cccchasqui.wordpress.com/ |
Organisation: |
Bevillinger: |
Children as co-creators of democratic, just, sustainable and peaceful societies |
Bolivian Centro de Comunicación Cultural (CHASQUI) is an indigenous Aymara communitarian and cultural collective founded in 1988 in the constantly growing migrant city of El Alto, Bolivia. Chasqui’s vision is for children, adolescents and their families to be proactive actors in the construction of their life projects, valuing their collective identity and cultural knowledge in defense of their rights and to achieve human development with decent opportunities. Chasqui achieves this through empowerment and strengthening the protagonist participation of urban, rural, indigenous and migrant Aymara children in the rural and urban areas of the Department of La Paz to put forward their proposals in political spaces and exercise rights to formal and inclusive education, comprehensive health, a healthy environment, gender equity and citizen security. Chasqui aspires to sustainable development as a recovery of the community's knowledge and practices, including the Andean concept of "Living Well", a culture of peace and non-violence living in harmony with and respect for Mother Earth.