cisus bestyrelse Photo: Kim Jensen

2024-25: Members of CISU's Board from left to right: Aligo Francis (stand-in member), Toke Nyborg, Najiba Akbari, Stefan Islandi, Helle Vallø, Jesper Alstrøm, Torsten Malmdorf, Morten Nielsen (stand-in member), and Camilla Legendre.

CISU's Board serves as the top political leadership of the organisation, operating under the mandate from the General Assembly. Comprising 7 members, the Board is elected by CISU's General Assembly, and individuals affiliated with any of CISU's member organisations are eligible to stand for election.

All member organisations have the opportunity to attend board meetings as observers, provided arrangements are made in advance with advisor Helene H. Kannegaard.

Board Members

Torsten Malmdorf, Chairperson
Seniorer uden grænser
Tel. +45 2485 9786, Mail: tmalmdorf @

Camilla Legendre, Vice chairperson
100% for børnene
Tel. +45 2227 5315, Mail: cdw @

Najiba Akbari, Tressurer
Afghan Daanish Foundation​
Tel. +45 5114 0702, Mail: najibalive @

Helle Vallø
Den Danske Helsinki-Komité for Menneskerettigheder,
Tel. +45 2726 0135, Mail: hellevallo @

Stefan Islandi
Kræftens Bekæmpelse
Tel. +45 3525 7531, Mail: islandi @

Toke Nyborg
Aktion Amazonas 
Tel. +45 6133 9161, Mail: toke @

Jesper Alstrøm
SDG World​
Tel. +45 4022 0514, Mail: ja @

Stand-in Members:

1st Stand-in
Morten Nielsen
Global Aktion

2nd Stand-in
Aligo Francis​
Naest Ved Afrika ​

Internal Auditor

Johnny Baltzersen, CICED

Board Remuneration

While board-related work is typically unpaid, CISU board members receive an annual remuneration. This remuneration is disbursed either personally or to the individual's workplace to offset any absence. Additionally, board members can claim reimbursement for transportation and office expenses upon submission of receipts.

Board remuneration is distributed as follows:

  • Chairperson: £4,000 per annum
  • Vice Chairperson: £3,000 per annum
  • Treasurer: £1,000 per annum
  • Remaining board members: £500 per annum.


Billede af Helene Holbeck Kannegaard

Engagement Advisor

Helene Holbeck Kannegaard

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