Youth for Development Denmark (YFDD)

Youth for Development Denmark (YFDD) is funded in 2015 by few dedicated volunteers and registered as non-profit association in Denmark. Our motto is to give live the children and young people deserve here in Denmark and around the world We want provide opportunities for young people to be part of sport, cultural, debate and social activities in Denmark. We also work in Africa where children and young people constitute more than 60% of the population which represent a clear majority of the population. We also believe in helping children and young people in crisis areas by providing humanitarian help and provide opportunities with good education, training and job opportunities youth are an asset but, with the absence of education, training, jobs creation and capacity building etc. Our vision is to see a world in which young people see themselves and are seen by the society as active global citizens whose human, civic, and social rights are respected.


c/o Rymarksvej 89, 3th.

2900 Hellerup

Phone: 28772497



Efforts take place in:

Burkina Faso




Gambia, the






Grants: Action de Riposte contre le COVID19 au Burkina Faso Prevention of STIs HIV-AIDS among Students in Danyi District, Togo Application Promotion of Women Rights and Social Justice- Hohoe District of Ghana Menstrual Health Management for school girls in Gambia Emergency life-saving integrated humanitarian response in Somalia
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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