KFUM og KFUK i Danmark
KFUM og KFUK er en kirkelig børne- og ungdomsbevægelse, der tilbyder børn og unge aktiviteter lokalt, lejre og festivaler over hele landet og et globalt fællesskab gennem YMCA og YWCA. KFUM og KFUK’s formål er at skabe aktiviteter og fællesskaber, hvor børn og unge møder den kristne tro og oplever dens relevans for deres liv.
Contact: |
Valby Langgade 19 2500 Valby Phone: 25162406 E-mail: hrj@kfum-kfuk.dk |
Efforts take place in: |
Cambodia Cameroon Great Britain Greece Iceland Myanmar Netherlands, the Norway Palestine Peru Russian Federation South Africa Switzerland Ukraine |
Grants: | Ukrainsk folkesanger-turné Globale Forandringsagenter - Enlight, Ignite, Develop Voices of defenders Giv det Videre – Frivillig for Forandring (geocatching) |
Sustainable Development Goals: |
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being Goal 5: Gender Equality Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Goal 13: Climate Action Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals |
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CISU's World Map
CISU's World Map gives you an insight into the many worldwide projects supported by CISU's open pools, as well as the Danish organisations and their local partners who manage the projects. When you select a country on the map, you get an overview of the projects, but you also see which CISU member organisations are active in that country.
Read more about CISU's World Map
Grant Overview
The Grant Overview provides a full list of all projects supported through CISU's open pools of funds. Both ongoing and completed. You can also select to filter by intervention type, country, and UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
Read more about Grant Overview
Geographic member representation
Geographic representation of CISU member organisations
Read more about Geographic member representationPartner organisations
Partner organisations
Read more about Partner organisations
CISU member organisations
See the full list of all CISU member organisations, and where in Denmark they are based.
Read more about CISU member organisations