
iiINTERest arbejder med forbedring af levevilkårene for fattige familier i landdistrikterne i de indiske delstater Vestbengalen, Odisha og Jharkhand. Vores fokus er på at sikre lokalt demokrati, fødevaresikkerhed, uddannelse og kapacitetsudvikling blandt landbefolkningen. De stiftende medlemmer og nuværende bestyrelsesmedlemmer har tidligere været aktive i andre foreninger med udvikling i Indien som formål og har i disse foreninger også haft ansvar for gennemførelse af projekter med støtte fra Danida og den tidligere Projektpulje. Foreningen baserer således sine frivillige aktiviteter på erfaringer og kompetencer fra en lang årrækkes arbejde med udvikling i Indien. Foreningen har desuden en faglig forankring i forskning omkring udvikling i det Globale Syd gennem sin medlemsbase, studenter assistent og formand.


Hiort Lorenzens Gade 23, 5.

2200 København N.

Phone: 23350387

E-mail: iiINTERestdk@gmail.com

Web: http://www.iiinterest.dk

Efforts take place in:


Grants: A Handicraft project activity – testing the opportunities for improved rural livelihoods through neighborhood based skills development and vocational training in selected handicrafts, India A Local Self Government Approach for a Contextually Appropriate strengthening of Rural School Educationto alleviate poverty in Rural West Bengal, India Strengthening Civil Society in support of revitalisation of social and environmental sustainable local crafts and economies in rural West Bengal Enabling village communities to become self-custodians of their own development Enabling village communities to become self-custodians of their own development A Local Self Governance role for a contextually more appropriate education for rural youth to alleviate rural poverty in India An 'After School' programme for rural youth: Aimed at alleviating poverty in Rural West Bengal, India Addressing Food and Livelihood Security through participation of the food insecure poor in the sustainable institutions and processes of Local Self Government – Phase II Building Capacity and Advocacy of the AHEAD member network for a local participatory self governance approach to poverty alleviation Addressing Food and Livelihood Security through participation of the food insecure poor in the sustainable institutions and processes of Local Self Government Addressing Food and Livelihood Security through participation of the food insecure poor in the sustainable institutions and processes of Local Self Government In Search Of A New Social World. North-South Learnings Final Phase of a Local Self Governance Approach to Food, Nutrition and Livelihood Security - Catalysing mainstream adoption of demonstrated approaches for state-wide application, in India Towards reducing youth migration, enhancing livelihoods and building economic, social and environmentally sustainable communities by revitalizing local crafts in rural West Bengal, India A Local Self Government initiative for a contextually more appropriate education for rural youth to alleviate rural poverty
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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