Assist is a non-profit and unpolitical developmentorganization. We provide emergency relief and longterm development-aid to poor, marginalized and vulnerable people. The activities of Assist are aimed towards people in Kenya, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, where Assist have local implementing partners. Assist is a volunteer-based organization with a board and four country committees. Assist is run by about 35 volunteers and have 489 members. In Kenya, Assist is involved in two projects, focusing on care for children and young entrepreneurs ( In Mozambique is also involved in two projects focusing on care for children and agricultural education of young people during one-year training programs In Sri Lanka, Assist partner with LEADS (, focusing on sexually abused children In Bangladesh, Assist partners with a local school to provide education for children from poor families
Contact: |
H. C.Andersens Vej 16 7430 Ikast Phone: '+45 40642001 E-mail: |
Efforts take place in: |
Bangladesh Kenya Mozambique Sri Lanka |
Grants: | Food security during socioeconomic crisis in Sri Lanka Community-led advocacy towards child safeguarding Flood and landslids relief response – Ratnapura, SRI LANKA - 2017 Bag filtret oplysningskampagne Training Transformers Improving Care Services in Sri Lanka for Victims of Child Abuse through Rehabilitation and Advocacy Initiatives Improving care services in Sri Lanka for victims of child sexual abuse through rehabilitation and advocacy initiatives |
Sustainable Development Goals: |
Goal 1: No Poverty Goal 2: Zero Hunger Goal 4: Quality Education Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals |
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