Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke Actionaid
MS er en medlemsbaseret dansk civilsamfundsorganisation, der arbejder for at fremme mellemfolkelig forståelse og solidaritet, for gennem et samarbejde over nationale og kulturelle grænser at bidrage til en bæredygtig global udvikling og en retfærdig fordeling af jordens rigdomme.
Contact: |
Fælledvej 12 2200 København Phone: 77310000 E-mail: Web: |
Efforts take place in: |
Afghanistan Australia Bangladesh Brazil Burundi Cambodia China Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Egypt, Arab Republic El Salvador Ethiopia Gambia, the Ghana Great Britain Greece Haiti India Indonesia Italy Jordan Kenya Lebanon Liberia Malawi Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Nicaragua Palestine Rwanda Scotland South Africa Sweden Uganda United States, the Zambia Zimbabwe |
Grants: | Fra Lokalt til Globalt Engagement MENA Netværket Sammen om Global Solidaritet |
Sustainable Development Goals: |
Goal 1: No Poverty Goal 2: Zero Hunger Goal 5: Gender Equality Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Goal 13: Climate Action Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals |
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CISU's World Map
CISU's World Map gives you an insight into the many worldwide projects supported by CISU's open pools, as well as the Danish organisations and their local partners who manage the projects. When you select a country on the map, you get an overview of the projects, but you also see which CISU member organisations are active in that country.
Read more about CISU's World Map
Grant Overview
The Grant Overview provides a full list of all projects supported through CISU's open pools of funds. Both ongoing and completed. You can also select to filter by intervention type, country, and UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
Read more about Grant Overview
Geographic member representation
Geographic representation of CISU member organisations
Read more about Geographic member representationPartner organisations
Partner organisations
Read more about Partner organisations
CISU member organisations
See the full list of all CISU member organisations, and where in Denmark they are based.
Read more about CISU member organisations