Free your mine - Uganda 2018-21

Project period:

01.08.2018 - 31.12.2021

Granted amount:

2,990,870,- DKK




National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE)



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 14: Life below Water

Goal 15: Life on Land

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The objective of the project is to stop mercury pollution from artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) and to improve the organization of the civil society in two mining communities in Uganda. The goal is mercury-free ASGM and safer work and living conditions for the artisanal small-scale miners (ASGMs) and their families by stopping the pollution and by starting a process of formalization of ASGM. Furthermore, it is an objective to strengthen the capacity of NAPE and Diálogos to free more mines and mining communities from mercury in future projects. The two project areas will serve as bridgeheads for mercury-free gold mining in Africa.

Immediate targets

1. Civil society empowerment Civil society stakeholders have been empowered to support the miners in their transition to mercury-free mining techniques, and the miners themselves have been empowered to advocate for improved conditions. 2. Miners conversion to mercury-free practices ASGMs in the project area - both women and men - will convert to mercury-free gold extraction methods. 3. Project sustainability and advocacy

Target groups

'-1000 Miners, with minimum a quarter of the miners are be women. -2000 Children and Youths. -50 Heathcare Workers (female-male ratio is approximately 2-1) -50 Teachers (female-male ratio is approximately 1-1) -Local Government Officials


Kviksølvforurening er en sundhedsrisiko for hele verdens befolkning. Small scale-guldminedrift står for godt halvdelen af den globale menneskeskabte udledning. I et projekt i Filippinerne har Dialogos vist, at det gennem træning af minearbejdere og kapacitetsopbygning af civilsamfundet er muligt at få alle guldminearbejdere i et helt projektområde til at overgå til kviksølvfri guldudvinding. Det seneste år har Dialogos arbejdet sammen med NGO’erne UNACOH og NAPE om et Klima-Miljø-projekt i Uganda om fortalervirksomhed for kviksølvfri guldminedrift. Vore partnere samt 10 guldgravere var med Dialogos til international konference i Odense med deltagelse fra 49 nationer. Det aktuelle projekt er skabt i denne kontekst, og bygger videre på erfaringerne fra Filippinerne. Der fokuseres på 1) at styrke civilsamfundet med viden og organisering, 2) at træne guldgraverne i den kviksølvfri metode 3) at kapacitetsopbygge NAPE og Dialogos.