ARD will distribute food and nutrition to 110 households in Sarinley village which is located approx. 7 km north of Baardheere. Sarinley has approx. 2500 inhabitants and is dependent on agriculture and livestock, which both are affected by the severe drought, and our goal is to reach the hardest hit section of the population. The reason for this is that the area is a severe drought, where there is an acute shortage of water, food, and nutrition´s in the area. To provide food and nutrition´s to the most affected population of the village, we hope to limit the impact of the drought on the most vulnerable local population. The targeted population will be the most vulnerable in the area, especially children, the disabled, households with a female household head, households with a one adult household heads. During and after our planned intervention, there will be an evaluation of the project to improve our efforts in the intervention, but also future interventions.