Advanced Preferentiel Rights of Fisherfolks over Municipal Warer Benefits-Stream

Project period:

01.07.2018 - 30.09.2021

Granted amount:

2,436,432,- DKK




Tambuyog Development Center, Inc.



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The long-term goal of the intervention is to empower municipal fisherfolks sector in contributing towards increased benefits from scaled up diversified livelihoods and enterprises, and improved fisheries resource management of the common fishing grounds

Immediate targets

1. To capacitate an organized fisherfolks cooperative and its networks to advocate and engage duty-bearers to support their preferential rights claims over resources in municipal waters, have access and control to the advanced means of production in fisheries, comply with fishing operation standards and be included in their plans and budget support.

Target groups

• 3 named fishers associations with a total 105 members (male and female) located in the Municipality of Mulanay, who will be part of the cooperative managing the commercial fishing venture. (In addition, the 1.453 registered municipal fishers can become members of the to-be-established fishers cooperative.) • 4 named fisherfolks associations, with a total of 95 members (male and female) located in Municipalities of Agdangan and Unisan, whose livelihood projects will benefit from the fish supply from the commercial fishing venture. In addition, lessons learned with regard to economic viability in complying with the labour standards for fish workers aboard commercial fishing vessels is expected to indirectly benefit the 56.000 national fish workers.


The long-term goal of the intervention is to empower municipal fisherfolks sector in contributing towards increased benefits from scaled up diversified livelihoods and enterprises, and improved fisheries resource management of the common fishing grounds of Tayabas Bay and Ta?on Strait. It should make Commercial fishing sustainable if its number and fish harvest can be controlled within the sustainable limits; and if a system can be installed to ensure high probability that violators will be caught and prosecuted and fishing can be used as an instrument to bring about equity to translate preferential rights of municipal fishers over municipal waters into more economic benefits for them. Given a little push from government and stakeholders, municipal fisherfolks can be capacitated collectively to own and operate commercial fishing venture within the 10.1 km of municipal waters and beyond. This strategy can be an effective asset reform in the fishing industry. The second objective of this proposed intervention is to facilitate the consolidation of 10 fisherfolks organizations of women and men to scale up livelihoods and resource management activities into the level of enterprise and established broader market linkages and networks