Pioneering the inclusion of transgendered persons in HIV-prevention in Ukraine

Project period:

01.03.2017 - 31.08.2018

Granted amount:

499,974,- DKK




Gay Alliance Ukraine (GAU)


Puljen for Naboskab

Grant type:

Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Transpersons feel included in the LGB community and have good and equal access to high-quality non-discriminative health services

Immediate targets

Objective 1: By March 2018, there is increased understanding and support of transpersons among the LGB(T) community Objective 2: By March 2018, there is increased access to non-discriminative health services among transpersons Objective 3: 20 trans-aktivister deltager i den nationale LGBT/MSM konference i Ukraine i oktober

Target groups

• 100 LGB(T) persons that will receive in-depth knowledge on transgender competences through 3-day trainings. Persons that are active in the LGBT community and the community centers of GAU will be selected. It is expected that some of these might actually identify as transpersons and this training will give them the courage and power to come out. • 200 LGBT people will be trained through workshops at the community centers. • 80-160 transgendered participants of 16 support groups, 4 in each region. This target is highly uncertain and could be higher as well as lower. Since this project pioneers the organization of transpersons in Ukraine, it is very difficult to predict the number of transpersons attending the support groups. Secondary target groups will be 80 health service providers (20 from each region) who will be trained in trans competences and non-discriminative health services.


Transpersoner er i høj risiko for hiv og aids i Ukraine såvel som i resten af verden. De er marginaliserede og stigmatiserede, ikke bare blandt den generelle befolkning, men også i LGBT-miljøet. Dette projekt vil skabe et inkluderende miljø I fire regionale Community Centers for LGBT personer gennem træninger, workshops og støttegrupper for transpersoner. Det vil desuden undervise 80 sundhedsmedarbejdere i ikke-diskriminerende behandling af transpersoner og dermed skabe bedre adgang for, at transpersoner kan blive testet og komme I behandling for hiv.