Empowerment of Communities through Democratic Natural Resource Management

Project period:

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021

Granted amount:

150,000,- DKK


Danish Forestry Extension (Skovdyrkerne)


Association of Family Forest Owners Nepal (AFFON De Danske Skovdyrkerforeninger A.M.B.A office in Hanoi, Vietnam Forestry and Environmental Action (FEA) Life School Center (Jiwan Kendra) Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa Wildlife Conservation Nepal (WCN)



Grant type:

PROGRAM (Konceptnote)

World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:

Bosnia and Herzegovina Nepal Vietnam