The Co-dependency Project. Models & Methods

Project period:

01.07.2016 - 31.01.2018

Granted amount:

361,422,- DKK


NGO Fontana


Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD)



Grant type:

Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The development objective of the project is to ensure that health care providers recognize, understand and cope with problems of transference and countertransference when working with clients with substance use disorders in order to ensure that quality services are provided to clients

Immediate targets

1. Building capacity with and growing MSD into a Resource Center that will enable the organization to develop, communicate and disseminate guidelines on co-dependency and solutions to multiple partners and stakeholder and establishing a core group of doctors and psychiatrists at The Psychiatric Hospital in Khanh Hoa, who can support MSD in advocacy and training 2. Establishing a select group of CSOs/CBOs as trainers of trainers on co-dependency issues 3. Making Out Patient Center managers and key staff from trend-setting Clinics aware of co-dependency, its ramifications for the workplace in general and the quality of client work specifically, at the same time providing solutions to the problem 4. Provide stakeholders in general with knowledge and appropriate information, so they understand co-dependency and the issues involved

Target groups

Primary Target Group 1. 8 MSD/VietFamily staffs and counsellors and 6 supporting staffs from the Psychiatric Hospital in Khanh How 2. 10 staffs from 10 local CSOs / CBOs 3. 120 professionals from Hanoi, Khanh Hoa and Ho Chi Minh City Secondary Target Group 4. 2,000 stakeholders and citizens, who will gain knowledge on co-dependency as information and educational materials about co-dependency are distributed in the community


Medafhængighed blandt rådgivere på vietnamesiske centre, der vejleder stof- og alkoholmisbrugere er et stort og stigende problem, der medfører, at klienter får uhensigtsmæssig og i mange tilfælde direkte skadelig vejledning. Medafhængighed resulterer også i et dårligt arbejdsmiljø og udbrændthed blandt de personaler, der er ramt. Mange siger op og forlader deres stillinger. Udover de individuelle personlige omkostninger, så stiller det rådgivningsklinikkerne i en uhyre vanskelig situation, da det er både dyrt og svært at finde egnede kandidater til de ledige stillinger. Begrebet medafhængighed er fuldstændig ukendt i Vietnam. Projektet vil kapacitetsopbygge vor Partner til et ekspert niveau, der gør MSD i stand til at være et ressource center på området, uddanne og træne 10 medarbejdere i 10 førende vietnamesiske CSO/CBO’er til at blive ToTs og 120 sundhedspersoner, så de forstår de grundlæggende årsager til medafhængighed, samt give dem redskaber til at håndtere problemet. Endelig vil projektet udvikle forskellige informationsmaterialer.