Teacher training for Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

Project period:

01.11.2020 - 31.07.2022

Granted amount:

77,416,- DKK

Total budget:

77,416,- DKK


Mi Cuerpo/Min Krop


Mi Cuerpo/Min Krop Colombia



Grant type:

Små Indsatser

World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Provide training in sexual and reproductive health rights (S&RHR) topics for teachers in lower income partner schools in Cali and Popayán, Colombia.

Immediate targets

The intervention with each partner school is divided in three segments: 1. The first three workshops will be information-based through exercises and classroom teaching. 2. The fourth workshop will be a development workshop for the participants to create their own S&RHR class to implement with their students. 3. Implementation of the prepared class with the students and posterior evaluation.

Target groups

The direct beneficiaries of this intervention will be the 77 estimated teachers from low income partner schools that participate in the program. Secondary beneficiaries are the students at these schools, who will be receiving S&RHR classes as part of the implementation training, estimated to be approx. 1.925 students. Also the 8 schools are considered secondary beneficiaries, since they will be able to comply with the state’s requirements on S&RHR education.


The intervention aims to provide training in S&RHR topics for teachers at 8 lower income schools and an independent location in Cali and Popayán, Colombia, in order for them to create a S&RHR program for students of all ages within their respective schools. The objective for this intervention is to inform teachers about topics such as anatomy, puberty, menstruation, birth control methods, STIs, the LGBTQ+ community, consent, gender stereotypes, social media, and more, as well as to inspire with exercises for the local teachers to bring S&RHR education into their classrooms. It is important that teachers are contextualized on current issues amongst teens regarding these topics, since this information is key to creating an efficient S&RHR curriculum. Through this intervention, the schools will be able to fulfill the government requirements of a S&RHR program and the participating teachers will become replicators and advocates for a rights-based S&RHR related topics.