"Anticipatory Support for Resilient Livelihoods: Strengthening irrigation, Agriculture, and Household Stability in Washaaq village, Juba land"

Project period:

15.03.2025 - 17.05.2025

Granted amount:

299,963,- DKK

Total budget:

299,963,- DKK


Action for Relief and Development (ARD)




DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen

Grant type:

Anticipatory Action in relation to climate change (AA)

World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 13: Climate Action

Efforts take place in:



In Washaaq village and the surrounding area lives 1190 HHs consisting of permanent farmers and semi nomad HHs. As more and more floods, failed harvests and rising food prices hit the local population around Washaaq village, the population is getting hard financially. Agro-pastoral and riverine zones have had consecutive failed grain harvests due to the floods with further disruption to cash crops and grain production in riverine areas due to the destruction of irrigation facilities in the Baardheere area and Washaaq village. Due to less rainfall or delayed rains, agropastoral areas will plant and harvest far below normal, and the displacement of households away from their farms and the reduced ability of farmers to afford seeds, irrigation and other inputs. In this intervention ARD will support the 150 HHs by rehabilitating their generators, preparing 1 ha land for each HHs, delivering 450 certified seed bags and 60 HHs out of the 150 HHs will receive cash-based support of $176.