The Urban Space Challenge: Dworzark

Project period:

01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021

Granted amount:

490,543,- DKK




Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), Sierra Leone



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:

Sierra Leone

Overall targets

Overall objective: To strengthen the active participation of young people in the development of their community.

Immediate targets

Specific objectives: • To strengthen the organisation of young people in Dworzark; • To increase access to youth friendly public spaces in Dworzark; • To strengthen young people’s capacity to engage in dialogue with duty bearers about the de-velopment needs of youth in Dworzark.

Target groups

The project’s direct target group include: - 100 young people (expected gender balance of 60 male and 40 female) in Dworzark who take part in the Urban Space Challenge. - The project has an ultimate target group that consists of the broader young population in Dworzark, which is estimated to include at least 5000 youth. - At least 30 duty bearers and community stakeholders (including elders, local councelors, chiefs, and government officials) will be engaged in project activities and targeted through advocacy initiatives.


In the Urban Space Challenge, youth groups from Dworzark in Freetown, Sierra Leone, join the challenge of who can make the best and most youth friendly public spaces in their community. As part of the project, 100 young participants will increase their capacity as active citizens to take lead in community development and engage in constructive dialogue with duty bearers in decision making processes. The young people will compete in the three challenges of Dream & Design, Development of public spaces, and Advocacy and sustainability strategy, and receive training in the areas of community mobilisation, public space, visioning, presentation, local fundraising, advocacy, leadership and campaigning. The project is a platform for the development of 10 youth friendly public spaces in Dworzark - dreamed, designed, and developed by young people.