Tropical Cyclone Sagar has killed 50-70 people in Somaliland and affected an estimated 700,000 people displacing 350,000 of them. It caused extensive destruction, including loss of livestock and crops, destruction of homes, schools and critical infrastructure. Damage to livelihoods, especially the death of livestock, the key source of income and sustenance for a majority of the pastoral populations residing in this region, is likely to aggravate existing food insecurity. The proposed intervention is in response to immediate emergency, envisages dispatching and distributing food for 600 Households in the northern coast area Abdi-Geedi and Karuure in Lughaya District of Awdal region Somaliland. The second component of the intervention is focused on stabilization and is targeted restocking 100 households who are those mostly affected with eroded income base and lost their livestock to significantly to contribute towards supporting target group capacities to participate in a transition towards early recovery.