Seeds of Justice: Empowering Children and Youth through Human Rights for a Sustainable and Climate Just Future in Peru (SEED-RIGHTS)

Project period:

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

Granted amount:

1,996,262,- DKK

Total budget:

2,073,930,- DKK


Amnesty International


Amnesty International Peru



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:



The "Seeds of Justice" intervention aims to empower disadvantaged Indigenous and Mestizo youth and children in Peru's Amazonian departments, San Martín, Ucayali, and Loreto, addressing the challenges posed by environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change. By focusing on Human Rights Educa-tion (HRE), the project intends to enhance their understanding and skills to protect human and environ-mental rights. Key activities include education and awareness campaigns, development of advocacy skills, intergenerational- and binational youth exchanges, and strengthening local, national, and regional capaci-ties among partners and alliances to support Indigenous, Mestizo, and other marginalized groups in critical ecosystems. The project seeks to mitigate human rights violations that Indigenous and Mestizo people experience and the environmental impacts of development and extraction projects, promoting a sustain-able and climate just future.