Scalling-up the FGM response in Mali

Project period:

01.05.2015 - 30.04.2018

Granted amount:

4,823,501,- DKK


BØRNEfonden (deaktiveret)


ASDAP (Association pour le Soutien du Développement des Activities de Population)



Grant type:

Projekt E (3 - 5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

At the end of the project the practice of FGM has diminished in the communities in the intervention zones, and it is possible to conduct a debate on the subject at national level

Immediate targets

1) Improved quality of medical and psychosocial care of FGM-related complications at 35 health clinics and 5 reference health centres in five health districts 2) Local community based organisations are able to conduct community involvement, training, information and peer education against FGM, (supported by ASDAP & BØRNEfonden) involving community leaders and municipalities in the 5 health districts 3) Local community based organisations and national NGOs (incl. ASDAP & BØRNEfonden) are able to conduct information and advocacy campaigns based on data collected at local level, and they seek to hold authorities and decision-makers responsible in the fight against FGM

Target groups

The primary target group of the project is the female adult and adolescent population in 35 municipalities covering a total population of approx. 530,000. Approximately 51% of the population is female. The majority of these are circumcised may be experiencing complications or negative effects of FGM.An important secondary target group are the municipal counsellors, mayors, local religious leaders, traditional community leaders. Likewise, health workers and professional staff of the local health clinics and hospitals are important in terms of psycho-social support, reference and medical care of girls and women experiencing FGM related complications.


Projektet søger gennem kapacitetsopbygning på lokalt niveau at styrke indsatsen mod kvindelig omskæring i fem sundhedsdistrikter i Mali. Projektet varer i 36 måneder og er et samarbejde mellem danske BØRNEfonden og den malinesiske NGO ASDAP. Projektet har tre delmål 1) At forbedre kvaliteten af medicinsk og psykosocial støtte og tilbud til kvinder og piger med komplikationer relateret til omskæring; 2) at kapacitetsopbygge lokalsamfundsgrupper til at advokere imod kvindelig omskæring lokalt (træning i kommunikation og organisering, opfølgning på aktiviteter i lokalområdet og indsamling af dokumentation) samt 3) at gennemføre en national kampagne imod omskæring. Projektet inddrager mange aktører så som lokale ledere, religiøse ledere, teknisk personale, unge, mænd og kvinder, etc. for at opnå bred opbakning og øget mulighed for langsigtede ændringer i holdninger og praksis. Hovedrisici for projektets gennemførsel er den politiske og sikkerhedsmæssige krise i Mali, som risikerer at påvirke samarbejdsmulighederne med myndighederne og forhindre monitoreringsbesøg fra Danmark.