Together in sexual education: Connecting families and schools

Project period:

01.04.2025 - 31.03.2026

Granted amount:

149,999,- DKK

Total budget:

149,999,- DKK


Mi Cuerpo/Min Krop


Mi Cuerpo-Min Krop México



Grant type:

Small Project

World goals:

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:



The purpose of this intervention is to facilitate the conversation about sexuality within families in collaboration with local partner schools. The intervention will take place in Querétaro, México and rural areas surrounding the city. Teachers, administrative staff, students, and parents have all communicated a need and desire to discuss sexual and reproductive health rights (S&RHR) with families. This is especially important in a country with socio-economic inequality, gender inequality, violence towards women, and high numbers of unplanned teen pregnancies. The families of students from 5th grade of elementary school to 6ᵗʰ semester, of high school from each partner school will be invited to participate in activities and games where S&RHR will be discussed. New material will be created and handed out as well. It is expected for 1200 caregivers, 24 teachers and 8 principals to participate.