Best practice case for empowering rubber smallholders

Project period:

01.09.2018 - 31.12.2021

Granted amount:

499,571,- DKK


Orangutang Fonden/Save the Orangutan


Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 15: Life on Land

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Improve the working and living conditions of rubber smallholders, and allow them to act according to long-term sustainability.

Immediate targets

Empower smallholder rubber cultivators on the Indonesian island of Borneo, through increased capacity and skills for managing sustainable high-yielding rubber agroforestry systems, and develop best practices for others to adopt.

Target groups

Min. 80 rubber smallholders (men and women) in Timpah village, Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo.


The proposed intervention aims to develop a best practice case for empowering rubber smallholders on the Indonesian island of Borneo, through capacity building and introduction to sustainable practices, as well as assess opportunities for certification and development of an appropriate community cooperative structure. This aims to improve the working and living conditions of smallholders, and allow them to act according to long-term sustainability.