Partnering to mobilize and equip for sustainable mother tongue education in Dagbon

Project period:

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

Granted amount:

999,455,- DKK

Total budget:

1,088,948,- DKK


Wycliffe Danmark



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:



This intervention address the high illiteracy rates among school-going children in the northern part of Ghana. 89% of the children between the ages of 7 and 14 years living in the Dagbon lack foundational reading skills (UNICEF 2020).One of the reasons children perform so badly is the expectation of them to read and write in English.In line with the educational policy and curriculum in Ghana, these children should receive initial reading instruction in their mother tongue at lower primary level, but the policy is not implemented and children denied their rights. Building on a previous intervention (2020-22) this intervention seeks to strengthen newly established strategic partnerships to advocate for mother tongue reading instruction to expand it to more schools in more districts, to build capacity of a larger group of stakeholders to implement mother tongue reading instruction, and to draw on more human and capital resources to sustain mother togue instuction in schools in the future.