Sustaining and Enhancing Engagement of Break the Silence Network Government Partners on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response

Project period:

01.01.2015 - 31.12.2018

Granted amount:

3,255,652,- DKK


Stairway Danmark


Stairway Foundation Inc.



Grant type:

Projekt E (3 - 5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Establishment of a widespread safety net for prevention, detection and management of child sexual abuse among government agencies.

Immediate targets

1. To continuously capacitate and motivate government partners within the police, the Dept. of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the Dept. of Education to give higher priority to child protection in their daily work. 2. To make Stairway’s training/advocacy program and materials accessible on an on-line platform.

Target groups

The Police: 8,000-10,000 police recruits and officers in all the 17 NPTI regional training centers, annually. The DSWD: 4Ps caseworkers and selected LGU social workers. LGU staff and at least 62.500 families and in 25 municipalities. The Department of Education: At least 10 BtS NGO Partners trained to assist at least 50 local partner schools in developing and implementing Child Protection Policies; DepEd staff in order to promote methodology and experience from the BtS partners and the local schools in the DepEd organization.


Stairway har siden 2011 arbejdet med at opbygge et landsdækkende netværk af Ngo’er og offentlige myndigheder i Filippinerne med henblik på at forebygge sexmisbrug af børn og sikre en hurtig og professionel opfølgning på misbrugssager. Dette projekt udvikle og styrke indsatsen på to måder: 1. At fastholde og videreudvikle det allerede eksisterende partnerskab det filippinske politi, socialministerium og undervisningsministerium med henblik på at forankre myndighederne i det landsdækkende netværk gøre indsatsen mod sexmisbrug af børn til en integreret del af deres indsats og tænkning. 2. At udvikle en elektronisk læringsplatform, som skal gøre Stairways omfattende trænings- og oplysningsmaterialer tilgængelige for en væsentlig større brugergruppe, både i Filippinerne og andre lande.