Strengthening the independence & wellbeing of youth in Sierra Leone

Project period:

01.02.2023 - 31.12.2023

Granted amount:

499,955,- DKK

Total budget:

499,955,- DKK


For a new tomorrow (FANT)


FANT SL - Football for A New Tomorrow Sierra Leone



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:

Sierra Leone


This intervention seeks to support youth in becoming independent and financially viable, as well as to encourage and foster healthy and safe environments through education and knowledge sharing. For many young people in Sierra Leone, finding a first job is a challenge. It is difficult to find a good position and about 60% of young people are unemployed or underemployed. Yet the country needs skilled workers to develop economically . FANT SL therefore wishes to work with youth to create opportunities in their local communities. In order to this, there is simultaneously a need to prevent youth from engaging in dangerous drug and substance abuse and from joining political rebel groups that often turn to violence. Therefore, this intervention will work to create a series of workshops aimed at educating youth on these topics in order to prevent them from engaging in harmful environments.