REPOSITION - Youth as Agents and Advocates of Sustainable Development

Project period:

01.01.2019 - 30.04.2020

Granted amount:

499,495,- DKK


100% for Børnene


Youth Empowerment Synergy



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Development Objective: Youth Empowerment, Voice and Participation that contributes to the attainment of the SDGs in Ghana, including enhanced prosperity, greater equality and responsive governance in Ghana.

Immediate targets

Immediate Objectives: i. Young people across Ghana are more aware - and are taking active ownership - of the Sustainable Development Goals. ii. Young people across Ghana have acquired improved leadership, technical and operational capacity for engagement in local and national sustainable development efforts.

Target groups

The main targets are members of the national Voices of Youth Coalition; consisting of more than 350 community youth groups, student associations and youth-led NGOs, reaching over 450.000 individual young people aged between 15 to 35 years. Convened by YES-Ghana since 2012, the coalition is spread across all 10 regions of Ghana and is representative of the national youth population. Aside members of the Youth Coalition, the project will open doors to any young person or youth-led organisation currently outside the Youth Coalition, including local youth groups, youth leaders and activists, as well as student leaders, who are also leading change and crave to contribute to the attainment of the SDGs. Concrete, targeted activities like in this project is the exact and necessary remedy for the Voices of Youth Coalition to grow, in strength and number.


The project is highly participatory in nature in that young people’s active involvement in shaping their societies will be strengthened through organizing- and youth led capacity building, thereby creating a stronger ‘voices of youth’ platform for SDG implementation in Ghana. Activities like establishment of school clubs for local implementation of SDG activities, a national essay competition and an SDG academy form core of the project, for youth across Ghana to be more aware - and take active ownership - of the Sustainable Development Goals. Throughout the project members of a national Voices of Youth Coalition will acquire improved leadership, technical and operational capacity for engagement in local and national sustainable development efforts.