Overall targets
Support the Media Academy for Journalism and Communication in the Gambia in ceasing a catalytic role in the present democratic transition, training journalists and communicators.
Immediate targets
1. The Media Academy for Journalism and Communication (MAJaC) establishes and consolidates itself as an independent entity with its own independent board, management and administration. 2. MAJaC becomes a vibrant player in the new Gambian de and democracy - with a measurable impact on media and civil society organizations. 3. MAJaC develops a model for long-time cooperation with relevant donors; in shape of a multi-annual project proposal
Target groups
Objective 1 and 3: • MAJaC’s board and staff (2 management, 2 administration and 6 trainers) Objective 2: • 48 diploma students, 16 working communicators participating in courses and 16 working journalists, including rural journalists, participating in courses and in-house training – all with the intent of equal gender representation
In the wake of Gambia’s democratic transition, GPU, the Ministry of Information and other media stakeholders have developed a joint, strategic and comprehensive Media Reform Framework – in which education and training of journalists and communicators are paramount. This puts GAMES’ new partner, the Media Academy for Journalism and Communication (MAJaC, formerly the GPU J-School) in a catalytic role, being the only player that offers formal vocational education and training courses in the field, which will have with a measurable impact on media and civil society organizations. This project aims to support MAJaC to cease these opportunities in three steps: 1. by establishing and consolidating itself with its own independent board, management and administration 2. by developing its own operational capacities for immediate, concrete responses 3. by developing a model for long-time cooperation with relevant donors - in shape of a multi-annual project proposal.