OLAWI - Organistation for Local Assistance Wellbeing & Improvement


Jaddeh Kaj, Wasee Brothers Building, Flat 3


+93796497648 herat.olawi796@gmail.com


Dansk Afghansk Humanitær Forening


Earthquake Relief - Herat

Established in 2011 (registered in 2016 under the name OLAWI, earlier a different name), OLAWI is an independent, civil society institute and non-profit agency. The goal of the organization is to implement, promote and support non-profit development programs in areas such as education, health and nutrition, agriculture, economy, environment and other domains of interest. OLAWI functions in the following areas considering development and promoting social justice and balanced growth: 1. Education: Raising awareness, building capacity, training cadres and creating demands. 2. Health and Nutrition: Providing quality preventive and curative health services according to policies of Ministry of Public Health and donors, and contributing to management of health systems 3. Agriculture and Economy: Implementing and supporting agricultural development programs 4. Conducting scientific research in the area of social sciences 5. Functioning in other areas that are not conflicting with the organization’s vision and mission. Through our partnership they have been able to send different equipment to receiving institutions such as the Civil Society Complex in Herat, the Herat Community Citizens' Association, the Herat Provincial Disabled Association, the Teacher's Union, and more than 15 schools in Herat. OLAWI distributes equipment such as chairs, tables, wheelchairs, hospital beds, toys for orphanages etc. They have made development projects in the schools by giving computers so the children's educational system becomes better. By improving the quality of education many parents started sending their children to school, especially girls. Apart from this OLAWI supports newly established non-profit organisations with proposal writing and registration, they have supported women led organisations. They also made a cash distribution project in 2022 to 150 vulnerable families.