Nepal Public Health Foundation,NPHF


Dhara Marg, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu-4

32812 Kathmandu



ICOEPH (Internationalt Center for Arbejdsmiljø, Miljø og Folkesundhed) - DASAM (Dansk Selskab for Miljø- og Arbejdsmedicin)


Farming Health and Environment - a multi sector approach to reduce pesticide hazards in Nepal

History, purpose and primary activities of the organization Nepal Public Health Foundation (NPHF) is an independent, autonomous, non-political and non- profitable organization established in April 2010 AD by a group of public health experts and activists with a mission to have concerted public health action, research, and policy dialogue for health development, particularly of the socio-economically marginalized population and with a goal to ensure civil society’s pro-active intervention in public health. NPHF aims to prioritize public health action and research areas; facilitate interventions in collaboration with national and international partnerships with special emphasis to build community capacity for healthcare. NPHF is committed to strengthening health system generating quality evidences for policy formulation process through high quality research. Health policy and system research, social determinants of health, nutrition, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health are its major focus areas. Since its inception, NPHF has taken initiatives to advocate the relevant public health issues at national and regional level. Besides it has established good linkages with academic institutions, civil society and different non- government organizations.