Academy for Peace and Development


Ketevan Dedopali ave 68, entrance 2, apt 112

0144 Tbilisi

+995 32 230 79 70


Civil Connections Community Foundation (CCCF)

The Academy for Peace and Development (APD) is an international, non-governmental, non-profit, non-political youth organisation, which aims at empowering youth, promoting peace, tolerance and solidarity in the South Caucasus and beyond by capacity development of young people. Short History: The Academy for Peace and Development (APD) was established in October 2002. APD is based on the six years’ experience of the Young Leaders for Peace and Development (YLPD) Training Programme with the mission to build bridges of friendship, understanding and dialogue among teenage war victims of the Georgian - Abkhaz conflict. In the following years APD developed a strong profile in peace building, youth policy development and education for young people and stakeholders of youth. Within this context APD realized various programmes on local, national, regional and international level with diverse donors and partners from all across Europe. APD is implementing educational short and long term programmes for young people and NGOs from Georgia, the Caucasus and Europe in conflict transformation, active citizenship and intercultural learning as well as in relevant qualification for the Georgian labour market. APD is also actively involved in the development of a coherent youth policy in Georgia, provides youth information and works on the protection of IDP rights and on their inclusion.