Citizens Watch – IT (CEW-IT)


Najjera 1, Plot 314, Mawumu Close. P. O Box 36626, Kampala





CEW-IT has a presence in 10 out of the 14 original districts of Uganda i.e. in Kigezi, Ankole, Rwenzori, Buganda, Acholi, West Nile, Busoga, Teso, Karamoja and Busoga. Thematic areas CEW-IT deals with: 1. Governance a. Strengthening civic agency by enhancing civic education, access to information, and civic participation b. Strengthening civic space and society d. Enhancing gender equality and gender justice e. Enhancing innovations in the protection of citizens’ rights f. Digital enhanced Community Based Monitoring and Evaluation System g. Digital supported Election Observation 2. Livelihoods Improvement a. Social Innovations to enhance food security and healthy individuals and households b. Empowerment and raising the voices of discriminated and vulnerable groups c. Advocacy for and promotion of green & descent jobs d. Enhancing response to emergencies and natural disasters e. Supporting projects and income generating activities that enhance the economic capacity of communities 3. Clean and Healthy Environment a. Strengthening citizens’ engagement, especially those in frontline communities, in the governance and management of natural resources b. Enhancing innovations in clean and sustainable energy 3. Clean and Healthy Environment a. Strengthening citizen engagement, especially those in frontline communities, in the governance and management of natural resources b. Enhancing innovations in clean and sustainable energy 4. Civil Society Health and Civic Space a. Organizational Development and Capacity Strengthening of CEW-IT, its members and partner CBOs / NAs b. Strengthening linkages and networking of CEW-IT, Member Organizations, partner CBOs / NAs c. Strengthening the civic space 4. Civil Society Health and the Civic Space a. Organizational Development and Capacity Strengthening of CEW-IT, its members and partner CBOs / NAs b. Strengthening linkages and networking of CEW-IT, Member Organizations, partner CBOs / NAs c. Strengthening the civic space