Tierra Libre


Calle 17a No 9 - 04 Fusagasugá Cundinamarca

252212 Fusagasugá

+57 321 991 33 94 corporaciontierralibre2006@gmail.com https://tierralibreco.org/


Colombia Solidaritet


Agroecological Network for Food Sovereignty

Tierra Libre is a social, community and environmental organization committed to the defense of life, nature, territory, peace and the construction of a just society in the countryside and the city. We walk with the principles of autonomy, gender equity, defense of life and nature, local democracy, mystique and collectivity. We have 17 years of experience with building social organization together with rural and urban communities of peasants, young people, women, informal workers and students in the Sumapaz region, Bogotá, Tolima, Cundinamarca, Antioquia and the Eje-cafetero-region. Here we promote the development of food sovereignty, agroecology and peasant economy; the defense of water, life and territory; youth and artistic-cultural processes; popular and community education; and political participation and advocacy. Tierra Libre works around the following strategic areas: 1) Environmental: Water, Biodiversity and Territory. 2) Agrifood: Peasant Agroecology, food sovereignty and own economies. 3) Alternative educational processes. 4) Identity and Culture. 5) Construction of a Dignified Life or "The Good Living". We have participated and contributed in national scenarios: We went to the national agrarian congress in 2003, we believed in the unity that weaved the black and indigenous peasant convergence of 2004-2005, we “walked the talk” and “weaved the thought” in the Minga of social and community resistance in 2008 and its subsequent attempts of unity of the popular sectors. We are currently part of the National Minga and the nascent articulation of the National Agroecology Movement. We are committed to peace building and therefore believe in a political solution to the armed conflict. In 2016, we supported the Havana Peace Accords, followed up on them and demanded their full implementation and compliance. We are committed to political advocacy based on collective proposals with grassroots organizations and social leaders with whom we build in the territories.