Olkiloriti Masai Aid


P. O. Box 76622, App.118 Pamba/Sokoine Street

Dar es Salaam

+255698819475 olkiloriti@gmail.com


Impact Africa Denmark

Olkiloriti Masai Aid (OMA) is a district level organization, which is currently in the process of registering into a national level NGO. It has worked since 2011 (precise date to be found) with community mobilization and support such as implementing a Grundfos-funded water project, distributing maize to the extreme poor women during times of hunger, and supporting the maintenance of water facilities. The community is good at participating and contributing time and financial contributions. OMA is part of the community it serves. It is a community of Masai pastoralist that live traditional lives, migrate with their cattle as much as they can, and try to grow a bit of maize and gourds on the side. OMA has a very deep understanding of the target group and its priorities.