The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)


Charitéstraße 3

10117 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 2849840, +49 (0) 1732420243;


Verdens Skove

The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) is the oldest German environmental NGO and was established in 1899. The organisation has approximately 700,000 members in Germany, with its headquarter in Berlin and 15 regional branch offices in almost every federal state of Germany. NABU's International Department, which forms part of the NABU HQ, was officially established in 2009 and currently employs 22 staff. NABU's vision is to inspire people to take action together for nature. We want future generations to find an earth that is worth living on that has a great variety of habitats and species, good air, clean water, healthy soils and a maximum of finite resources. According to its Slogan “For People and Nature”, NABU is committed to work together with people on conserving nature. Wherever possible, conservation is implemented jointly with the local communities, e.g. in participatory re-source management schemes etc. Besides it's representation in Germany, NABU runs eight project offices in countries in Africa and Asia and has a permanent representation for the European Union in Brussels. Africa, Asia and Caucasus and South-East Asia form the geographical focu s of NABU’s international commitment, where the organisation provides its expertise and implements projects to conserve habitat and species diversity, build local capacities, promote income generating activities, like regional products (NTFPs) or ecotourism, strengthening civil society and adaptation to climate change.