

Stepana Bandery St, 41

33014 Rivne

+380 67 360 7158


Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi

Ecoclub is a 26-year-old NGO focused on green energy development, promoting energy efficiency among municipalities, and environmental preservation. The mission is to create a safe environment by influencing policy and strengthening communities. The organization was founded in 1998 by students from a local university's environmental department. Ecoclub's purposes: • To promote ambitious energy efficiency improvements and deploy renewable energy sources in post-war community development plans. • To integrate climate change into Ukraine's post-war reconstruction plans and national and local development policies through public demand and the participation of all actors. • To support and empower local civil society organizations as a driving force for change and a channel for disseminating best practices and solutions in the climate and energy sector. • To be a sustainable, responsible, influential, and constantly improving environmental organization in Ukraine, known as Ecoclub. • To work towards implementing nature-based solutions and green post-war recovery ideas in the Rivne community. • To hold local authorities accountable and encourage them to take responsibility for environmental damage. Among the recent primary activities: • Informing and training municipal representatives in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. • Promoting local management and technical solutions that lead to a change in project approach and implementing energy efficiency measures. • Promoting and assisting in creating pilot projects in municipalities (RES, heat pumps, etc.) to introduce the latest technologies in district heating systems. • Advocating necessary changes by engaging community leaders. • Helping with the installation of solar power plants for hospitals and water utilities. • Providing technical support in the construction of solar power plants. • Developing sustainable energy and climate action plans with three cities.