Association for the Revitalisation of Livestock in Niger (AREN)


Ali district DAN SOFO

122 Maradi

(00227) 41 08 54 / (00227) 96 97 10 37;


CARE Danmark

The Association for the Revitalization of Livestock in Niger (AREN) was created on July 19, 1990. It is recognized by decree n ° 20 / DAPJ / MI dated February 14, 1991. AREN proposes to: (i) conduct any activity specific to boosting and developing livestock farming in Niger (ii) support the national development policy in livestock breeding to promote means of action (iii) carry out any activity aimed at improving health, hygiene and nutrition of the populations. AREN Maradi's areas of intervention are consistent with the orientations of the strategic plan and are as follows: Food Security, Nutrition and Pastoral Vulnerability; Pastoralism and Citizenship; Strengthening of local governance by strengthening the organizational and financial capacities of farmer organizations; Access to Basic Social Services and prevention and management of conflicts and market development.