Perpadi (Indonesian Rice Millers and Traders Association)


Jl. Pertanian III no. 52 G Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan

12520 DKI Jakarta

+62816 1883934 http://(none)


Preferred by Nature (NEPCon)


Reducing Climate Impact of Rice Production in Indonesia

To achieve the intention and willpower, ‘Indonesian Rice Millers Association’ participated in advocating the prosperity of farmers through rice milling business and appropriately positioning millers and hullers taking into account the functions and potential benefits that can be contributed to the country and people. Further, in General Assembly of Indonesian Millers on 4-6 March 1968 in Jakarta, they decided to unite in a single organisation known as Indonesian Rice Millers Association (Persatuan Penggilingan Padi Indonesia), and agreed upon the organisation’s articles of association. Given the above and being aware of the developing dynamics of the country development, particularly the dynamics of the national and global economies, the National Extraordinary Forum of Indonesian Rice Millers Association on 25-28 October 1993 in Bengkulu agreed upon the Revised Articles of Association and Rules of Indonesian Rice Millers Association effective up to 2001.