Youth Training Organisation


P.O.Box 1573

0013 Bukoba

+255672722850 / +255754908255 / +255743872957


Morsø U-landsforening



Youth Training Organization (YTO) is a non-government, non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization. YTO was initiated to mobilize and equip youth with technical training for self help economic activities in order to alleviate poverty in the short run and eradicate poverty in among youth in the long term. Vision: To ensure young people with self-sustaining income and a prosperous life filled with hopes for the future. Mission: YTO is dedicated towards promoting young people through awareness raising, capacity building and networking programs which are youth centered, environmental friendly and development oriented. The main focus is the empowering the development of youth and women, by helping all that need help regardless of age, tribe, etc. The most pressing needs of the groups are identified through meetings with community members and possible solutions are worked out in partnership with them. Its main objectives are: • To bring together the Youth of Tanzania with a view of realizing and mobilizing their talents and potentials in the spirit of promoting social-economic development and protection of the environment. • To organize the Tanzanian Youth under one umbrella of solving their encountered challenges • To promote Youth toward self-realization through awareness raising and capacity building. • To explore and explicitly seek an insight into the core challenges facing youth generation. • To contribute towards enhancing youth health and social welfare • To collectively prepare youth to enter the world of globalization and its multidimensional implications. • To enhance networking among youth and youth organizations in Tanzania Areas of work • Young men and women empowerment programs through education, both formal and informal. • Working on security and health challenges facing young people by trying to find an alternative solution. • Mobilizing young people to use youth friendly health services and advocating for accessibility.