Centro de Estudios Sociales y Publicaciones (CESIP)


Jirón Coronel Zegarra 722, Jesús María Lima 11


+511 4713410 postmast@cesip.org.pe http://www.cesip.org.pe


International Børnesolidaritet

CESIP is a non-governmental development organization founded in 1976 by a group of professionals who shared the vision of social transformation of the country. Institutional efforts were aimed at strengthening popular organization, and intervening directly with women and children in the marginal urban areas of Lima, who were considered to be the most oppressed and marginalized sectors of society. In its 47 years of institutional life and work, it has expanded the scale and scope of action in the country, as well as diversified the modalities of intervention. CESIP was part of the Coordinating Committee for the Rights of the Child (COTADENI) and contributed to the creation of the National Initiative Group for the Rights of the Child (GIN). It is connected with other civil society organizations at the national level, through networks and collectives such as the National Association of Centers (ANC), the Peruvian Campaign for the Right to Education; and at the international level, it is a member of the Global March Against Child Labour and coordinator of South America; IBFAN (International Network of Groups for Infant Feeding); and others. CESIP is specialized in issues that represent critical areas for the development of children and adolescents: child labour, in particular child domestic labour and other forms of hazardous work; educational inclusion; sexual abuse and violence; sexual and reproductive rights; breastfeeding; the right to participation. Objective: Children and adolescents, especially those living in poverty, exercise their rights. Lnes of intervention for the current period (2023-2025): Prevention and eradication of child labour and protection of adolescent workers; Life free of violence against; Promotion and protection of rights at school; and breastfeeding protection. Geograph CESIP has intervention projects in app. twenty districts of metropolitan Lima and ten in coastal, highland and lowland regions of Peru.