Association of social workers of Kyrgyz Republic


215, Tynystanov str.


+996 312 62 45 17


AMIS – A More Inclusive Society

ASWKR is a public organization. The main mission is social protection, social assistance and social services for vulnerable categories of the population, as well as training capacity building of social workers in the country. ASWKR was established to advocate the need for social work and social services in Kyrgyzstan and to improve the situation for social workers in oder to assist vulnerable citizens like people with a handicap, veterans and the elderly and children and youth. Charter of ASWKR - re-registration September 2018 Legal entity certificate - December 2018 (new) Education license - re-registration January 2019 There are 7 regionai (province) department of the ASWI(R. 2 town departments (in Bishkek and in Osh), 57 district (regional ) departments 15 boarding houses. 33 NGOs, 5 centers for children at risk,3 regional social houses. The main ruling body of the ASWKR is the Board.